
Video Production

Videos have a large amount of versatility, from enhancing patient journeys to guiding users through a virtual experience. They have a multitude of uses, and they come in a variety of forms, from animated to live action. We are able to create videos wherever they’re needed and fuel them with our TPM art and creative design.


  • Patient Journeys. Videos can give an extra layer of personality to patient journeys. Using video production, we can breathe life into the stories of patients, allowing audiences to have an intimate connection with their experiences. These segments featuring patients, real or fictitious, can be filmed, animated, and narrated to tell their story with custom or out-of-the-box imagery.
  • Virtual Guides. Videos can take the place of in-person lecturers and facilitators. Using pre-recorded material, either filmed or paired with 2D/3D imagery, we can create a virtual “guide” that can deliver messaging and facilitate virtual experiences without requiring someone to be physically present.
  • Medical Animations. Our 2D and 3D animators can create videos and looping animations of surgical procedures, anatomical processes, medical device usage, or MOA/MOD of diseases and products. Our medical animators are certified and highly experienced in creating artwork that is both beautiful and scientifically/medically accurate. These videos can serve as standalone materials or be combined with other virtual experiences, like VR or eLearning, to add an extra layer of engagement.
  • Add-On Potential. Videos can be created to stand alone or to be combined with other virtual solutions as part of a holistic experience. For example, we can use film of a stakeholder or subject matter expert to prompt users during a virtual reality experience or further expand an immersive experience with news and weather reports to enhance a larger eLearning narrative.
  • Reusability. TPM-produced videos are easily re-cut and re-edited for multiple uses and audiences. In addition, we can make use of pre-existing videos and add them to larger projects. In both cases, video production saves time and money when it comes to targeting new areas or re-sharing content to new people or platforms.




Medical Simulations

Medical Simulations

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality



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